Sunday, April 14, 2013

Who's that chick posing as me?

Ohhhhhh what a week!

Have you ever seen the Lifelock commercial’s and thought, “Hmmmm, I wonder if that could ever happen to me? Naaaaaa.” and then have the thought leave your mind? Well friends, think again! After an already rushed week and  procrastinating till the last minute with the gathering of my tax information, I sent it out to The Man. You know, THAT man, the one that you hope can do magic and show the I.R.S. that they don’t need more money from you. Yes, that one. Well, after receiving the good call that I’d paid enough AND that I was getting a small refund, I was happy, happy, happy. That lasted about 15 minutes and then he called again to say that the I.R.S. said that I’ve already filed.


My journey began. I must say that dealing with the I.R.S. was not a bad experience. Within 20 minutes it was confirmed that there was indeed another me running around with my identity and she even had the nerve to file taxes on my behalf.  Within 3 hours I had to pull and place a fraud alert on my credit and call Lifelock to sign up and try to cover all basis. The nerve of this chick to do this to me. It’s not fun but at least the Ms. Me #2 did not try to take out a credit card in my name.....YET. I wish the I.R.S. had released the address that she used to file. Ohhhhhhh boy do I.

The bad side of all of this? It’s a very intrusive feeling as well as a lot of work that one has to do. Suddenly I don't want to give out my information to ANYONE anymore. The good thing about this? After seeing my credit score which I NEVER check...... I smiled.

At the end of the day I could get angry and let this ruin my day, week, month or I could say what I always say.  It could be worse. GO ONLINE AND CHECK YOUR CREDIT! Be proactive and stay on top of it. Don't do as I did.