Wednesday, December 22, 2010

'Tis the Season......

Hello my fellow internet users. ‘Tis the season of giving. That’s how it’s always been. This year I started thinking about how people are stampeding to the stores trying to buy the best Flat Screen T.V. or the latest gadget, the newest toy etc. While we all love to receive gifts I believe that there are far more lucrative gifts that we can give that won’t cost us much and maybe not even a cent. I’m talking about charity. I’ve been thinking about it for many months now. Sure, I can just write a check, and I do, and say that I did my part but really have I? While it’s true that the monetary donations are EXTREMELY important, the hands on donation of our time, our skills or maybe our hugs to children who don’t have parents to hug them is equally as important.

The other night I went to a gathering at my friend’s house in Miami Lakes, Florida. It was a Christmas celebration for the children that she knows and she invited my granddaughter. Her invite also invited those attending to take a 10.00 gift to later be given to an orphanage. An orphanage in Miami? While I realize that there are many needy children, I’d never really thought of there being an actual orphanage in Miami. Sure, I see the commercials on T.V. asking for money, letting me know that my 10.00 donation will feed a child for a month etc., but those are children in other countries not Miami.......right?

The evening was beautiful. A home filled with many friends and family, business partners, co-workers and children. Later, while I as well as a couple of other ladies gathered around the kitchen, my friend began to tell us about “His House Children's Home” and the founder, Jean Gonzalez. The more she described the situation, the grounds, the need, the more I kept taking mental notes as the conversation continued.

 Some of the gifts donated the other night.

The truth is that many of us are struggling to keep afloat but if we were to stop for a minute and take an account of all the times that we buy things that are not truly needed, we’d have some extra cash and maybe even find some extra time that we can donate. Let’s see, how many times do we spend 4.50 on a cup of Starbucks coffee (guilty) or going out to dinner or lunch several times a week (guilty) or the purchase of that oh so needed pair of shoes that we MUST buy if not the clothes in our closets can't be worn (guilty again?). I’m sure we could find some extra cash to give to someone who needs it to feed their children or an organization that helps fight diseases or pay for an elderly persons electric bill that is about to be shut off. You get the picture. 

Back to the other evening at my friends house. Many gifts were donated and today they will be taken to the orphanage. What struck me is that I was told the orphanage has a closet or a room where they keep gifts year round and on a child’s birthday, they get to go in and choose a gift. Think about that for a minute. These are children who don't have a regular home and family that they can call their own. To them, that room full of toys must be such a highlight in their life. It all seems so simple to those of us who have the ability of giving our children gifts throughout the year without it being a holiday or special occasion.

As for me and my daughters, I’ve told them that in the next coming weeks, we are going to make a family day at the orphanage to tour it and to see where we can give of ourselves. I believe that all children as well as adults should not turn the other way but be part of the solution. It’s very easy to live in our own little world and not see out of our front door. The bottom line is that whether it is money, time or skill, we can all find something within our reach to give to someone in need.

I hope that all of you who read this blog will find it within yourselves to help whatever charity is close to your heart and however you are able to. The world is full of need. I know you won’t regret it.

For further information on His House Children's Home please visit: